Coco de Mer


Coco de Mer
Almost as rare and extraordinary as One Bayview

More and more, today's visitors want to experience island life, to put the world behind them and discover authenticity.

The extraordinary Coco de Mer, one of the rarest gems of the Seychelles, inspires us to be as unique extraordinary.

Coco de Mer are true icons of the Seychelles. Over the centuries, sailors have discovered these huge floating seeds and believed them to the seeds of "sea coconuts." This led to the name Coco de Mer, or "coconut of the sea." The very rare seeds were highly prized; princes and emperors paid dearly to own them.

Today, they are still extremely popular as souvenirs, although their sale is regulated to protect against counterfeiting and illegal harvesting. Each Coco de Mer should come with a holographic sticker and an official permit, guaranteeing that they have been hollowed out to prevent them from being replanted elsewhere.

They are also the source of many legends. According to one, the male and female trees come together for nights of passion when no one is looking. If anyone actually witnesses the act, they are struck blind or die. In another, when Major General Charles George Gordon of the British Army first saw them, he believed he was looking at the forbidden fruit offered by Eve to Adam in the Garden of Eden.

What better souvenir could you have from paradise?

Taking around 6-7 years to mature, their seeds measure between 40–50 cm in diameter and weigh around 15–30 kg.
Coco de Mer trees can grow to over 30 m tall, with the tallest on record well over 50 m.
The largest ever found, however, weighed an incredible 42 kg.